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You need a real estate agent’s licence if you hold yourself out to the public as ready to act, for reward as an agent in respect of the sale or other disposition of land or the purchase or other acquisition of land, or in respect of the leasing or letting of land and collection of receipt of rent money whether or not you carry on any other business (with the exception of a legal practitioner or the person sells or offers to sell any land by auction).


When applying, make sure you submit the following:

  1. Form 1 Application for Real Estate Agent’s Licence

  2. Form 2 for individuals or Form 3 for a company

  3. Notice of this application in the prescribed Form 4 must be published twice in the Gazette. 

  4. A Supplementary Form

  5. A certified copy of certificate of company registration

  6. Police clearance

  7. Evidence of place of business such as a lease agreement or certificate of title

  8. Evidence of at least 3 years’ experience of practical experience working full time, primarily or predominantly in real estate over the last 5 years

  9. Three (3) Months bank statement for the Company and Directors

  10. Tax Compliance certificate

  11. Reference from previous employer

  12. Copy of TIN letter or FNPF Card

  13. Non-refundable prescribed fee of $484.44 (VIP)


  1. Fully completed Supplementary Form for Renewal of Real Estate Agents license. 

  2. Tax Compliance Certificate from FRCS

  3. Bank Statement (confirming the information submitted in the supplementary form)

  4. Statutory Declaration


You need a Certificate of Approval of salesperson to be engaged or employed by a real estate agent in selling or otherwise disposing of land, purchasing or otherwise acquiring land or leasing or letting land.  

The application must be made by a licensee or applicant for a licence on behalf of any person who intends to become a salesperson. 

When applying, make sure you submit the following:

  1. Form 12 Certificate of Approval of Real Estate Salesperson

  2. A Supplementary Form   

  3. Police Clearance  

  4. A copy of TIN Letter & FNPF card

  5. Certified copy of academic qualifications 

  6. Reference from previous employer

  7. Certified copy of birth certificate

  8. Copy of employment contract 

  9. Non-refundable prescribed fee of $67.82 (VIP)


  1. Fully completed Form 14

  2.  Fully completed Supplementary Form [Commission] for renewal for Certificate of Approval for Salesperson. 

  3. Tax Compliance Certificate from FRCS

  4.  Statutory Declaration

  5.  Approval from Immigration Department [For Foreign Individual]

  6.  Real Estate Salesperson Renewal Fees $51.11 (VIP)

  7.  Bank Statement (confirming the information submitted in the supplementary form)


You will be in effective control of the branch office, meaning to personally supervise, manage, and control the conduct of the real estate agency business at that place and to work actively and substantially at or from that place.  

An application for approval for branch manager can be made at any time by a licensee or an applicant for a licence on behalf of any person who intends to become a branch manager.  

Agents must inform REALB of any changes in the branch offices address or if the branch manager has been transferred to another branch office.

To be eligible, please note the following requirements:

  1. 21 years and above

  2. Eligible to hold a licence 

  3. Holder of a Certificate of Approval to act as a salesperson

  4. Has passed any prescribed examinations or has at any time within the 5 years immediately preceding the date of commencement of this Act, the person in effective control of a branch office

  5. Evidence of at least 3 years’ experience of practical experience working full time, primarily or predominantly in real estate over the last 5 years

  6. Application fee of $96.89 (VIP)


A person (not a holder of a real estate agent's licence) can apply in writing to the Board for a Permit to undertake any specified or series of transactions in real estate with terms and conditions as the Board thinks fit.

Application Fee of $193.78 (VIP) is applicable.

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