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Real estate industry - shaping the future

REALB Chairperson Dr Ilimotama Cawi highlighted the fundamental role the education plays in shaping the future of our real estate industry during the 5th National Real Estate Conference today.

“We believe that a well-informed and educated real estate community, is the bedrock of sustainable growth and development,” he said.

“We’re not only celebrating our achievements but also charting a course for the future through knowledge-sharing, collaboration, and exploring opportunities for innovation. To the representatives from government departments, statutory authorities and corporate entities support and collaboration are instrumental in aligning efforts with national priorities.”

He adds the speakers’ presence and participation added immense value to the conference.

“With your professional experience and wealth of industry knowledge, I can confidently say that at the end of today, we will depart from this venue being enlightened and significantly more informed,” Mr Cawi said.

“To our real estate professionals, your presence is a testament to your dedication to the progress of the real estate industry in Fiji. Your expertise, experiences, and insights will undoubtedly enrich the discussions and contribute to the success of this conference.”


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