Fiji is made up of a group of more than 330 islands with 110 inhabited and amounting to a total land area of about 18,300 square kilometers. The Fiji Bureau of Statistics reveals that majority of Fiji’s population is mainly in urban areas and this has seen an increase in the demand for housing.
This is a lucrative market as well for many and REALB has over 80 valid ad Licensed Real Estate Agents.
In order to become a real estate agent in Fiji, you must satisfy certain requirements. They are:
Be 21 years of age or over
Meet criteria or pass prescribed examinations (if any)
Engaged in the real estate business during the preceding 5 years, had at least 3 years’ practical experience working full time, primarily or predominantly in real estate agency work;
Be a fit and proper person
Some of the people not allowed to hold a real estate licenses are:
Those who have been declared bankrupt and have not obtained an order of discharge
A legal practitioner
Persons who have not satisfied the requirement to have had atleast3 years’ practical experience in real estate agency work during the last 5 years.
Once you have been issued a License by the Board of REALB, you are allowed to carry out business as a real estate agent in any part of Fiji at any place of business that is from time to time endorsed on the license.